Thursday, June 14, 2012

Lately I have been so confused.  I have wondered for so long how to be happy when the life's bullets penetrate and attack us from all angles.  Yesterday I was driving in my car and it finally hit me.  I remember a Bible verse I read as a child saying "Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” Nehemiah 8: 10.  When I thought about this, I was reminded that no matter what God is always with us.  He is right there when we are crying, laughing, and all the times in between.  With this, I realized that when we are sad and down, and we don't know how we are going to work things out, that the God's joy is our strength, and that we don't have to do it on our own.  

Well, that is all I have for today.  I hope everyone has a good day. Remember you are special, and that no matter what you think, you are priceless and beautiful person.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Lies to myself

So today I was just thinking about how sometimes I try to lie to myself because I am afraid to accept the truth. Well today I am stopping making excuses for other people. I know that it's hard to believe certain things about certain people due to the fact that you care about them, or think highly of them; but when it's all said and done you have to look at the TRUTH and accept it for what it is. When we live in lies, it is impossible for us to deal with stuff on how it truly is, so therefore unless we are dealing with the truth, we are not dealing with the person/thing at all because we are dealing with the "fake" thing that we are making it out to be. In the Bible it says "the truth will set you free"-John 8:32, so on that note, until you accept the truth, you will be living in bondage that you don't have to. When you finally accept things for how they are, you can deal with them, and move on with your life. But until then, you will be in a standstill, in handcuffs to the lie.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

So I want to start blogging everyday again. This time I think I am going to tell about my day and about anything I have learned, experienced, or have witnessed. Please subscrible :] So I am starting tomorrow.

oh and this is what tootles and I do when we are bored lol.

Friday, July 30, 2010

are they really mistakes?

This year has been a year full of learning experiences. Some people might call them mistakes, but I prefer to call them learning experiences. As humans, we all do things that are deemed wrong. The bad thing is we can't go back and change our mistakes, but the good news is we have the chance to look at what we did wrong and not to do it again. Sometimes the hardships in our lives are not our fault, but in times like that, use them to gain character and to find your inner strength. So if you feel you are in a pit and you can't get out from troublesome things in your life, have the courage and strength to pull yourself out with positive thinking and thinking about what you can do differently so that will never happen again. If you need help, pray and ask God for strength and wisdom.

You can turn your life around!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Love each other deeply, from the heart.-1 Peter 1:22

This is my verse of the day that I am going to focus on!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Just a quick thought. God is always with us and is right there always. Even though we can't see Him does not mean that He is not there. Draw your strength from Him when you feel like there is no strength left in your body. If you never talked to Him before, all you gotta say is God help me and He right there to take your hand and to get you through what you going through. Trust in Him, because with His help there is ALWAYS hope.